Stars of this heaven… Thank you!!

“Appreciation is the highest form of prayer, for it acknowledges the presence of good wherever you shine the light of your thankful thoughts.” Said by Alan Cohen

It was a search throughout these times, like we all search… I count myself one of the luckiest person cause I found more than I’ve searched… friends… I’ve never seen, never met, even never know from where they are… but they’ve shown me the spark on my eyes that reflects on their eyes…

Today I’m wordless after so many days… cause these whole appreciations, loves, supports and believing made me responsible and heavy. I don’t exactly know what should be the best way to thank them… my heart melts every time I read their appreciating and encouraging words…

I’m putting all the best comments of my blog in this post… I know it’s not enough to thank them…but I believe it won’t be enough ever to thank them…

Friends please don’t think of the order… cause I didn’t follow any best-better order… its each and every word that is gold for me…. Thank you for your love…


2010/04/14 at 10:34pm

Post : Alliance Francaise (Information and Intoduction)

Your blog is a great ambassador for AF, France and creativity. Don’t think I have encountered content quite like this before. Very interesting and innovative. Must admit I had never heard of AF, but they sound like they are worth knowing about – are they a sort of French version of the Goethe institute?

Fourbar Records

Post: My name is “me”

2010/04/05 at 12:18am

Hello “sami”. I have to say, I wasn’t sure what to think when I saw your homepage. But I’m astounded by your attention to detail, and the personal quotes you added. They gave the piece substance, made it human. I felt as though I was reading the whole thing through you.

If more people had your passion and eloquence, I believe that learning would be the wonderful, exciting experience that it should be.

2010/04/05 at 12:35am

“My name is ‘me’” is one of the most insightful yet enigmatic poems I’ve read in quite a long time. It evokes a feeling of shadowy uncertainty, as though you alone exist in a world that normal people couldn’t possibly fathom, a sort of ‘living’ darkness that only your vision can pierce, though you’ve yet to discover how.

I’m glad you commented, or I never would’ve seen this. Your words have redefined ‘ethereal’ for me. You have truly brightened my day. My name is Travis, and I thank you Sami.

Vie est amour; l’amour de la mort. Pour elle est la seule grande aventure laisée pour nous.


2010/04/04 at 11:25pm

Post: My name is “me”

What a lovely intro! Like a perfume, itself. Soft and lingering.

2010/04/13 at 1:00pm

Post: Who told to be Française and who hasn’t??

Hmmm… Fragrance by luck is not separated as we are by boundaries, names & customs. Your text again proves as to how like minded are people who are humble and countries. Borders indeed cannot change humility. Sincerely appreciate expressions scripted all over.

Bless you with all the eternal power to move ahead each moment in Life with humble approach and inspire humility to become a religion by default.

Wish U Best in Life

v r human


2010/04/11 at 5:01am

Post: Who told to be Française and who hasn’t??

it’s a brilliant article and i encourage your frankness and your are so realistic and maybe this is the way for true love,no unfulfilled promises,this is loyalty as i think.


2010/03/21 at 3:30am

Post: About & Around

U expressed alliance from the bottom of ur heart and that is great. Great feelings (emotions included). U know people nowadays doesn’t really think or feel about something they do but you do. Thats creative. One day these patience and creativity will take u up to a extent where everyone will unable to be. Only u would be there. Best of very good luck.



2010/04/10 at 12:21am

Post: Couple more reverie of Chanel

Great blog Sami!!! Really well-written articles and I can SWEAR I can smell the fragrances you’re talking about


2010/04/08 at 3:42am

Post: My name is “Me”


What you are making here is a rare, beautiful thing. You could not do that if you were not that in yourself. Trust your heart, always, for it will not lead you astray. You have a true gift, a rare one. Nurture it, love it. Live it fully in all the joy and challenge it brings you. Make the world beautiful with the beauty inside you.

thank you, sami.

Robert again, In a reply of my comment:

smiling…oh yes you exist, sami. More than just ‘exist’. Far more. Be who you are, who you truly are, knowing that you will constantly be in a state of ‘becoming’. Live that becoming.

‘Be’ well, sami.


2010/04/07 at 3:22pm

Post: My name is “Me”

Not sure I can surpass these comments, Sami. The sentiment and spirit of your writing is very striking. There’s a mysticism about it, too, like an early Van Morrison record. It’s a real gift.


2010/04/07 at 1:57am

Post: Adrien Passelande, A French Teaching Artist

I am very impressed by your blog.

You are very lucky to have a teacher like him because in deed he’s a wonderfull and colourfull person. Try to learn the maximum you can with him and you can be sure he will do the maximumum for you because he is just honest, patient and sensitive.

I am just one of his french friends (Ben from Blain) just say him hello from me.

Could you provide me his email adress please



2010/04/06 at 11:22am

Post: About and Around

I wanted to first off say thanks for commenting on my writing; I really appreciate your positive feedback. More importantly, I was strongly compelled to tell you that I was deeply moved by what you had to say about life and your experiences with “Alliance Francaise.” I’m kind of intrigued about everything you’ve got going on with this blog-in a great way. Thanks again for inviting me to read it.

Seriously beautiful line by the way: “And at the end of the day our shadow becomes taller than our soul”


2010/04/06 at 5:01am

Post: Library…Alliance Française…

Used to study in Alliance Francaise de Manille! Love ‘em! I’m in Canada now but thanks for bringing me down memory lane

Love and light,


2010/04/06 at 4:26am

Post: La Galerie (Gallery)

Your photographs are amazing! Gorgeous colors, lighting, texture. I’m enjoying your blog.

Mr Fitrambler

2010/04/06 at 2:49am

Post: Library…Alliance Française…


don’t know how you linked into my Blog, but glad you did. I’m still a little thick-headed with cold, thus my last blog entry was cobbled together a little. However, thank you for your kind comments.

I decided to check out your blog and glad I did. I’ve subscribed on the strength of the one article I’ve read.

I’d like to read your blog a little more thoroughly when the cold dies completely. However, I feel I can tell that you have a real love of English; a good feel for it. I am looking forward to reading more,



2010/04/06 at 2:46am

Post: Library…Alliance Française…

You paint such beautiful pictures with your words. I could truly taste the essence of what you wrote.

Momina Tahir

2010/04/06 at 2:34am

Post: Library…Alliance Française…

I love your post. It’s very inspiring as a matter of fact. I am craving books now. The idea of knowledge and illusions and art really clicked in my head. Really interesting.

Paulette Furey

2010/04/06 at 2:33am

Post: Library…Alliance Française…

Thank you for visiting my blog and thank you for taking me on a journey throught such a magnificent place. I can see how easy it would be to get lost in imagination. I too love libraries and wish I had access to those that offer such beauty.

Hope to see you on twitter


2010/04/05 at 10:57am

Post: Library…Alliance Française…

Hi Sami

First of all thank you for writing in and appreciating my posts. I notice that, like me you too write almost everyday and I do appreciate the effort taken by you, particularly in choosing the appropriate pictures to complement what you write.

You got fantastic tastes and I surely hope you can travel and visit the wonderful places that you refer to in yor writing, particularly in France since you so passionate about it.

Best Wishes



2010/04/05 at 9:07am

Post: Library…Alliance Française…

Un jeune philosophe. Bien fait, sami Alam.

As someone in a very different chapter of life yet always seeking and sharing the journey with others, I’ve enjoyed wandering around on your blog. You are a seeker and obviously quite intelligent and mature. While perfume is not one of my interests, photography is. So is poetry. Your exploration of the world of fragrance is poetic. Your photos show imagination and spark.

Good luck with your musings and your courage with languages.


2010/04/05 at 4:58am

Post: Library…Alliance Française…

Thank you for the comment. This library looks like a truly amazing place to study, read or write. I personally love libraries and art. I’m a thinking person so I love to think especially in quiet places. Art with library what a great combination, I’d probably stay in that library for a long time. I’m assuming you’re from France, that’s pretty cool. France is one of the places I really want to travel to. I guess i’ll be browsing through your blog more often.

au revoir for now



2010/03/18 at 4:00am

Post: Jingle, words for you…

you deserve the award fairly,

please feel free to post the logo in your post,

right click the image, save as, insert image to your post…

you are talented and awesome blogger!

Best wishes!


2010/04/04 at 5:11am

Post: Opium by YSL, smell of another life…

Lovely blog, Sami! it seems you feel about France the way I feel about Colombia! A bientot! (Sorry, don’t know how to do accents en francais!)



2010/04/03 at 4:39pm

Post: Adrien Passelande, A French Teaching Artist

“Yes, it’s possible to explore the world by sitting in a four walled room… only if we believe those walls can’t bind our souls”…I love this line! You are a fabulous writer, extraordinary!


2010/04/03 at 8:53am

Post: About & Around

So very true and deep. Your words have gotten me to truly think of what around me makes “me” and what makes me find the joys of happiness. Truly beautiful.


2010/04/03 at 6:06am

Post: My name is “Me”

hey i checked out the my name is me page and it is delightful. I wish that I could use words in such a way. The way you write is truly an art and I will be back to read more, much more.


2010/04/02 at 9:49pm

Post: Dune,feeling of intrigue, sophistication and sensuality…

My mother used to own Dune and she kept for such a long time (about…7-8 years), that it got really concentrated and just running the mouth of the bottle, where the spray comes out, on the skin, leaves a prominent scent.

Nice blog…I can see you’re passionate about fragrances. Keep up the wonderful job.

Hey, I was wondering if you’re interested in writing for my college’s online magazine, called Scientific Mentality. Yesterday, it was the second issue’s release, and the magazine promises to be a really blooming one.

Tell me if you’re interested =D


2010/03/14 at 8:34am

Post: Adrien Passelande, A French Teaching Artist

Awesome blog!

I was thinking of learning the French language and now I think I will!

Very interesting blog.

Jingle, words for you…


If we try to express something we need others to make us realize that they are truly realizing. Yes, they are here. With us!!

And may be, this is the pathway to becoming ‘we’ from ‘I’.

Today it’s my day to give someone thanks with my words, though I did it from my essence the day s/he gave me the gift. Or you may say an award. I often say this blogging is very much particular for me, cause the mission somehow relates to earning my dream with my own effort… this is the shadow of my soul… or the way I truly feel…

Jingle, a moral friend of mine whom I’ve never seen… Someone who keeps mystery to us about his/her gender… someone who writes breathing poems from somewhere of United States… someone who likes adventures, humors, and surprises…. And someone who likes to make realize his/her friends that how special they are… Woke up on that morning and I was having my coffee… signed in my wordpress to see the updates… suddenly I realized someone made my day and marked his/her name in somewhere in my soul… His/her comment was-

“In March 16, 2010 at 5:04 am,

Ji said,

An award for you in my blog, You are the best!”

He/She visited and commented my blog several times… & I knew he/she visits huge blogs and gives them awards with a truly fair judgement… but didn’t know that I’m gonna be in that list cause I’m less than a child to bloggers like them… I don’t know whether the mission of my blogging is going to be completed or not. But this honor from an unknown friend who doesn’t have any profit towards me… is obviously eternal to me…

Thank you Jingle…

A big thanks from my heart…

This post is for you…

Dedicated to you …

And written on you…

The people who are reading this post I would like you to visit jingle-